Face-to-face Appointments | Session | Price |
Initial Consultation & Treatment | 60 minutes | £85 |
Initial Consultation & Treatment | 90 minutes | £120 |
Follow-up Appointment | 30 minutes | £50 |
Follow-up Appointment | 45 minutes | £68 |
Follow-up Appointment | 60 minutes | £80 |
Telehealth Video Appointments: | Session | Price |
Initial Consultation | 60 minutes | £85 |
Initial Consultation | 90 minutes | £120 |
Follow-up Appointments | 60 minutes | £80 |
Payment Information
We accept payment by Cash, Cheque, Pingit or via Private Health Insurance.
Missed / Cancelled Appointments
Please provide at least 24 hours notice (allow 48 hours for Monday appointments) should you wish to change or cancel your appointment so we can offer the appointment to other patients who are waiting. The full appointment fee is normally charged for missed appointments, or for last minute cancellations if we cannot fill the appointment.
Health insurance companies do not cover missed appointments or cancellations so those having treatment under health insurance will need to pay themselves.
Osteopathy Paid For By Private Medical Insurance
The majority of Health Insurance companies cover Osteopathic treatment. However, we advise contacting your health insurance company before attending the clinic;
- as the level / type of cover you have may affect this.
- to ensure they have the appropriate referrals / authorisation to cover treatment.
- they will advise you as to whether you need a referral from your GP or consultant.
- some health insurance policies may pay for the treatment of children, so it is worth checking.
If you are covered please let us know when you make your appointment, or at the beginning of the Initial Consultation, otherwise you may be responsible for the entire cost of the first consultation.
We are fully registered with all the major healthcare providers. Please check whether your private medical insurance will cover your treatment as most insurers now do so with the correct referral.